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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by venalaine »

Koskenkorvasieni wrote: Wed Jul 18, 2018 3:47 pm Slashin FB-sivujen mukaan 21.9. tulee uusi Slash featuring Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators-albumi Living The Dream, jota taas seuraa USA:n kiertue syys-lokakuussa, ennen GNR-kiertueen marraskuun keikkoja. Ei siis kannattane elätellä toiveita uudesta GNR-studiomateriaalista ihan hetkeen, tosin mielelläni mä kyllä menisin Slashin omaa bändiäkin keikalle katsomaan, jos euroopassakin talven aikana keikkailevat.
Itse sanoisin, että GN'R:n uutta materiaalia tarvitsee odotella tuskin koskaan. Nyt junan lailla rullaava kiertue on varmasti vielä helppo vetää läpi verrattuna siihen, että pitäisi istua alas ja kirjoittaa ja levyttää levyllinen materiaalia. Siinä menisi varmasti taas asiat vanhaan malliin mutkikkaiksi. Vastaan alkaa varmasti myös painaa realiteetit. Nyt voitaisiin lopettaa huipulla, kun taas levyn tekeminen olisi varovastikin arvioiden monen vuoden prosessi, jota pitäisi tietenkin seurata vielä kiertue ja siinä vaiheessa ukot olisivat jo oikeasti vanhainkoti-iässä.
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Jussi »

^ se 'Chinese Democracy 2' -materiaali mikä on purkissa, ei tietenkään ole enää uutta materiaalia sinänsä, mutta ennenkuulematonta. Ja itse uskon + toivon että se vielä elinaikanamme tulee ulos jossain, box setin tai muussa muodossa.
wikipedia wrote:an unreleased song, "Atlas Shrugged", was cut at the last second because of the CD playing-time constraints. Songs mentioned by the band or people involved in the record that did not make the final release include "Atlas Shrugged", "Oklahoma", "Thyme", "The General", "Elvis Presley and the Monster of Soul" (also known as "The Soul Monster" and "Leave Me Alone"), "Ides of March", "Silkworms", "Down By The Ocean", "Zodiac", "Quick Song" and "We Were Lying".

In 2014, Rose said that a "second part" of Chinese Democracy and a remix album were complete and pending release. In August 2014, "Going Down" a song recorded during the sessions was leaked online, as well as remixes of several songs from the album. "Silkworms", a song recorded during the sessions and played live but not included on the album, was leaked in June 2018.
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Sabbathman »

En kyllä tarvitse enää uutta studiolevyä, sillä alkupään klassikot riittävät vallan mainiosti edelleen ja aina.

GN'R itsekään ei tarvitse enää uutta studiolevyä. Nyt on maailmaa kierretty jo pari vuotta ja jokaisella keikalla on käynyt kymmeniä tuhansia ihmisiä todistamassa nuoruusvuosiensa tärkeimpiin kuuluvaa bändiä, joka tykittää yli kolmetuntisia keikkoja jotka on ladattu täyteen klassikoita ja covereita ja diippejäkin vetoja.

Tämä lopulta toteen käynyt unelma on enää kunnollista live DVD/BR -julkaisua vaille valmis.
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by venalaine »

Joo se toki on mahdollista, että Chinese Democrazy 2 -materiaalia jossain vaiheessa ulos tulisi, mutta se ei tosiaan ole enää tässä vaiheessa mikään uusi GN'R levy. Nyt kun Slash ja Duff ovat taas messissä, tarkoittaisi uusi levy heidän kanssa alusta loppuun sävellettyä kamaa. Tosiaan luulisi, että kun tämä sirkus on ohi, niin jokin livejulkaisu vielä laitettaisiin pihalle. Eiköhän silläkin jokusen kymmentä miljoonaa nettoaisi.

Täältä voi muuten vakoilla, mitä kaikkea vuosien saatossa on kenties äänitelty: ... sions.html
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Jussi »

venalaine wrote: Thu Jul 19, 2018 7:38 amTäältä voi muuten vakoilla, mitä kaikkea vuosien saatossa on kenties äänitelty: ... sions.html
Tuo on jo vanhentunut, kuten moni muukin asia ko. HTGTH-sivustolla; esimerkiksi nuo 1986 Sound City -sessiot julkaistiin nyt Appetite For Destruction deluxe-boksilla, ei tosin kaikkia kappaleita vieläkään, mutta valtaosa tuossa merkatuista :)
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Koskenkorvasieni »

Koskenkorvasieni wrote: Wed Jul 18, 2018 3:47 pm Slashin FB-sivujen mukaan 21.9. tulee uusi Slash featuring Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators-albumi Living The Dream, jota taas seuraa USA:n kiertue syys-lokakuussa, ennen GNR-kiertueen marraskuun keikkoja. Ei siis kannattane elätellä toiveita uudesta GNR-studiomateriaalista ihan hetkeen, tosin mielelläni mä kyllä menisin Slashin omaa bändiäkin keikalle katsomaan, jos euroopassakin talven aikana keikkailevat.
Itse itseäni quotaten, oon tässä nyt koko viikon ajan tutustunut spotifyssa Slashin Myles Kennedyn kanssa tehtyyn tuotantoon ja tämähän on varsin tymäkkää perusroketirollia, jossa välillä yllättäviäkin melodisia ratkaisuja mukana. Kennedy on kelpo vokalisti ja basisti Todd Kerns ja rumpali Brent Fitz pätevä rytmiryhmä. Jos ja kun NITL-kiertue päättyy tai jää tauolle ja "Läsä" saapuisi Conspiratorsin kanssa Eurooppaan ja mahdollisesti Suomeenkin, niin voisi olla ihan mielenkiintoista nähdä kitaralegenda lavalla vähän GNR:ää pienemmissä ja intiimimmissä puitteissa, semminkin kun setissä on GNR:n lisäksi ollut ihan kiitettävästi Snakepitiä ja Velvet Revolveriakin.

Läsä näyttäisi tuon Kennedyn ja Conspiratorsin kanssa löytäneen erinomaisen musiikillisen ja henkilökemian, ennen gunnareiden reunion-sirkusta porukka teki neljässä vuodessa kaksi levyä ja kolme kiertuetta (ensimmäinen rundihan pohjautui Slashin vierailevilla vokalisteilla vuonna 2010 tekemään levyyn, joka kelpo tavaraa sekin) ja kolmas levy tulee syyskuussa. Muutenkin Slash on selkeästi panostanut treenaamiseen, Tallinnassakin kuuli, kuinka huimasti Slash on 80-90-lukujen villeistä vuosista kehittynyt soittajana. Jos päihteiden jättämä aukko elämässä jollain pitää täyttää, olen Läsän puolesta iloinen että hän on valinnut sen täyttämiseen musiikin.
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Koskenkorvasieni » ... n-spotify/

SLASH And MYLES KENNEDY Discuss Their New Album 'Living The Dream'; First Single 'Driving Rain' Available On SPOTIFY


July 21, 2018

It's been four years since we last heard new music from Slash. But the guitarist has hardly spent that time relaxing — far from it, in fact. First, there was an 18-month, 20-country world tour in support of the second SLASH FEATURING MYLES KENNEDY AND THE CONSPIRATORS album, 2014's "World On Fire", which saw the band play to packed houses everywhere from the U.S. to Europe to Australia, South America to Southeast Asia. Then, almost immediately after the tour wrapped in Las Vegas on New Year's Eve, 2015, it was announced to the world that the guitarist, after roughly two decades away, would be rejoining GUNS N' ROSES in an historic reunion with Axl Rose and Duff McKagan. Since then, Slash and his GN'R bandmates have crisscrossed the globe on multiple arena and stadium jaunts, playing to millions of fans the world over on what has been a record-breaking tour.

But even with all the reunion activity, Slash's band was never far from his mind. "I always planned on getting back together with THE CONSPIRATORS as soon as possible, and continuing on with what we started," he says.

Which brings us to "Living The Dream", the new full-length offering from the group — which, in addition to Slash and singer Myles Kennedy, also includes bassist Todd Kerns, drummer Brent Fitz and, making his recorded debut after several years of live work with THE CONSPIRATORS, rhythm guitarist Frank Sidoris. The album, their third overall following "World On Fire" and 2012's "Apocalyptic Love", is possibly the band's strongest collective statement to date. From the barnstorming, high-octane riffery of opener "Call Of The Wild" to the wah-drenched funk rock of "Read Between The Lines", the haunting majesty of "Lost Inside The Girl" to the swaggering deep-in-the-pocket seventies grooves of "Serve You Right", the stately, quasi-classical melodic themes of "The Great Pretender" to the massive hooks and anthemic, singalong choruses of first single "Driving Rain", "Living The Dream" packs a compendium of sounds and styles into 12 tightly arranged and sharply executed tracks, all of it shot through with Slash's trademark electrifying and dynamic riffing and high-wire, lyrical solos.

"It's a natural progression from 'World On Fire', for sure," Slash says of the new album. "I think it has a little more diversity — some of the ideas are not really what I would consider to be predictable." At the same time, he adds, "The record is also a bit more structured, with songs that are shorter and more to the point than last time." Kennedy concurs. "I don't know that there are as many of those sort of 'epic sonic journeys' that we took on the last record," he says. "Although there are songs that take you on a trip, like 'Lost Inside The Girl'. But overall, a lot of these songs — things like 'My Antidote', 'Read Between The Lines', 'Slow Grind' — they're pretty precise statements, and they definitely fall in line with the type of sound we're known for. There's a certain type of sonic calling card that we've developed over the years, and you can hear it front and center on this record."

"It's just a snapshot of where we're at," Slash continues, summing up "Living The Dream". "Which is what we're going for with each new album — to be present in what we're doing and come up with something that is representative of and reflects this moment in time."

For Slash and the band, this moment in time has been unlike any in their past. The seeds of what would become "Living The Dream" were first planted back on the "World On Fire" tour, when Slash began bringing in material for the band to work on at soundchecks.

"Historically, the way we write is we'll be on the road and I'll have my guitar with me, coming up with ideas sitting in the hotel room or in the dressing room or even sometimes on the bus," Slash explains. "When I have something, I'll bring it to soundcheck and I'll start jamming it out with Frank and Todd and Brent. Then Myles will start humming ideas into the recording apparatus on his telephone, and that's how the nucleus of these songs will start."

"I can tell you that's the way it happened for some of the early songs, like 'Lost Inside The Girl' and 'Serve You Right'," Kennedy says. "We were touring Europe in 2015, and at soundchecks Slash would start playing one of those riffs and everybody would jump in. I remember grabbing my phone and singing some ideas into it right then and there, just being really excited about those two tracks. And at that point there were pieces of a few others, like 'The Great Pretender' and 'The One You Loved Is Gone'. So we were definitely embarking on the songwriting process for a new album."

The plan, according to Slash, "was that we would finish up the 'World On Fire' tour, take a little break and then go right into preproduction and get started on a new record." Which, of course, was not quite what happened. Instead, the GUNS N' ROSES reunion was announced, and Slash went directly into rehearsals with that band. As GN'R hit the road, Kennedy reconvened with his other group, ALTER BRIDGE, for an album and tour, and eventually began writing and recording his solo debut ("Year Of The Tiger"). Any work on a new CONSPIRATORS record was put on indefinite hold.

It wasn't until December of 2017, in fact, that Slash, with GN'R on a break, returned to L.A. and resumed writing in earnest for THE CONSPIRATORS. In addition to the songs that had already been worked up, he used his time at home to write a few new ones, among them the slinky rocker "Slow Grind" and the track that would become the album closer, "Boulevard Of Broken Hearts". Then, in January of this year, Slash and THE CONSPIRATORS finally came back together in a rehearsal space in L.A. to pick up where they had left off years earlier. "I wouldn't even call what we did rehearsals," Slash says. "It was really about just getting back into shape after being apart for so long." But even as the band was finding its groove again, the new songs kept coming. The barnstorming "Mind Your Manners", powered by a turbocharged Slash riff and a double-time rhythm, was written on the very first day of rehearsal. "I just sort of came up with it on the spot to give us something to warm up with," Slash says. "It was the very first thing we jammed on. And from there we fell back into revisiting the old songs, polishing them up and getting the arrangements together. Then we rehearsed everything and jumped into the studio and started recording."

The "Living The Dream" sessions, which commenced in late March, saw the band reunite with producer Michael "Elvis" Baskette, who also helmed "World On Fire". But while the producer stayed the same, the studio this time changed, with Slash opting to move operations to his newly active recording facility, Snakepit Studios. "At some point a couple years ago, I bought a small residential property in L.A. and put together a rehearsal space and studio," he explains. "It has a 16-track digital board, and we did pretty much everything there except the drums. It's just a very homey and cool and cozy spot."

"The environment there is definitely 'Slash,'" says Kennedy of Snakepit Studios. "It's got a lot of the things that over the years I've come to equate with him — dinosaurs, pinball machines, photos of guitar players like Rory Gallagher and Keith Richards on the walls, stuff like that. It's a vibey hang. It was good for the creative process."

To demonstrate just how good for the creative process it was, Kennedy points to the lyrics to one new song, "Serve You Right", which he says were partly inspired by a painting hanging on the bathroom wall at the Snakepit — "a picture of this kind of devilish nun," he says. "That's the only way I can describe it." "It's actually a masturbating nun," Slash clarifies, then laughs. "I've never talked to Myles about it, but the lyrics he came up with for that song, which are insanely suggestive for him, I knew they were influenced by that picture."

Dinosaurs and devilish nuns aside, the sessions at the Snakepit went quick. Recording was completed by early May, at which point the album was mixed and mastered… and then held, as Slash headed back on the road with GN'R for a European tour. "That was definitely a weird feeling," Slash says. "I've never done a record where I've had to wait four or five months for it to come out after we recorded it." He laughs. "Now I understand what actors feel like after they finish shooting a movie…"

As it stands, that pause will be the last extended break for THE CONSPIRATORS for the foreseeable future. The band will be heading out on the road in September for what will be the beginning of a lot of touring across a lot of the world. "We're going to do the U.S. this fall, and then I'll be out with GUNS N' ROSES in in November and December," Slash says. "Then we'll get together and do Europe, and after that it'll be South America, Australia… we'll try to hit as many places as we can. Because as much as I enjoy the writing and recording process, when I'm creating music it's always with the intent that it should be played in front of an audience. For me, that's always the endgame — to get out there with the band and perform the music live. That's what I love the most."

You could say, then, that Slash is, in fact, living the dream. But he'll only laugh in response. "Well, you know, the album title is actually meant to be a sarcastic statement about the world we're living in at the moment," he explains. "I never wax political on records, but it was just something that came to mind — this tongue-in-cheek thing directed at social political events across the globe."

That said, Slash continues, "If you do take it in the literal sense, then, yeah, making records and touring and getting up onstage every day and playing music with these guys, that is the essence of living the dream. And that's why I was always dead-set on getting back together with this band and continuing to do this. And I always knew it would happen. Because THE CONSPIRATORS story is not over yet."

The first single from "Living The Dream", "Driving Rain" can be streamed on Spotify (restricted to certain parts of the world).
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Koskenkorvasieni »

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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Shadowplay »

Tuore haastattelu Slashilta, hyvä juttu kannattaa tsekata: ... um-710144/
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Re: Slash - Living The Dream (21.9.)

Post by Jussi »

Turhan funkkimainen meno mulle tuossa ^^ Driving Rainissa, tässä uudessa on parempi draivi:
The track is taken from the band's new album, "Living The Dream", which will be released on September 21 via Slash's own label Snakepit Records, in partnership with Roadrunner Records.

Slash says: "I wrote this song on the spot to help the band get up and running once we got back in the studio this past January. It's just a go-for-it type of song. Pretty straightforward rock and fun to play."

Kennedy adds: "'Mind Your Manners' was something I didn't hear until the guys had started jamming together. It's a cool, up-tempo sort of thing and I knew immediately it would have its own place on this record. Lyrically, it's about how when things are going well there always tends to be someone who tries to rain on your parade and knock you down. You have to keep people like that in check and not let them get to you."

"Living The Dream" is Slash's fourth solo album, and third with Slash and his bandmates Myles Kennedy (vocals), Brent Fitz (drums), Todd Kerns (bass and vocals) and Frank Sidoris (guitar and vocals). The band has launched a physical pre-order for "Living The Dream" including: a limited-edition deluxe premium 2LP yellow vinyl within a premium "Living The Dream" vinyl-size 20 page hardback book, an exclusive one-sided seven-inch single of "Driving Rain" featuring an etching on the B-side with a special set of Slash guitar picks, standard digital and physical CD album, poster as well as a limited-edition t-shirt and hoodie are available.

The band has also unveiled the album cover art and tracklisting for "Living The Dream". The artwork was created by renowned visual artist Ron English.

"Living The Dream" track listing:

01. The Call Of The Wild
02. Serve You Right
03. My Antidote
04. Mind Your Manners
05. Lost Inside The Girl
06. Read Between The Lines
07. Slow Grind
08. The One You Loved Is Gone
09. Driving Rain
10. Sugar Cane
11. The Great Pretender
12. Boulevard Of Broken Hearts
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Ice »

Nyt kun levy on tuossa pari kertaa pyörähtänyt on kyllä helposti paras levy Mylesin kanssa tehdyistä. Nuo ennakkoon julkaistut biisit on kyllä levyn heikointa antia, mutta ei siis huonoja kipaleita kummiskaan. Ihan puskista tuli The Great Pretenderin suomimelankolinen melodia ja huh mikä soolo. Muutenkin slovarit/mid tempot kuten The One You Loved Is Gone, Lost inside the girl ja Boulevard of broken dreams ovat täyden kympin biisejä ja ekaa kertaan omaan korvaan Mylesin laulut nostaa vielä biisien tasoa. Muutenkin tuntuu, että lauluissa on ilmaa eikä enää sellaista pinkkotusta kuin aiemmin. Nopeammista Serve your right ja Read between the lines iskee parhaiten, Sugar Cane on ainoa väliveto, jota ilmankin selviäisi. Kokonaisuutena jo nyt 9 levy ja hankala uskoa, että mistään tulee tätä parempaa rockia enää vastaan.
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Sabbathman »

Nyt on hieno video! :metal:
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Re: Slash - Living The Dream

Post by Jussi »

Ice wrote: Sun Sep 23, 2018 11:58 amNyt kun levy on tuossa pari kertaa pyörähtänyt on kyllä helposti paras levy Mylesin kanssa tehdyistä. Nuo ennakkoon julkaistut biisit on kyllä levyn heikointa antia, mutta ei siis huonoja kipaleita kummiskaan. Ihan puskista tuli The Great Pretenderin suomimelankolinen melodia ja huh mikä soolo. Muutenkin slovarit/mid tempot kuten The One You Loved Is Gone, Lost inside the girl ja Boulevard of broken dreams ovat täyden kympin biisejä ja ekaa kertaan omaan korvaan Mylesin laulut nostaa vielä biisien tasoa. Muutenkin tuntuu, että lauluissa on ilmaa eikä enää sellaista pinkkotusta kuin aiemmin. Nopeammista Serve your right ja Read between the lines iskee parhaiten, Sugar Cane on ainoa väliveto, jota ilmankin selviäisi. Kokonaisuutena jo nyt 9 levy ja hankala uskoa, että mistään tulee tätä parempaa rockia enää vastaan.
Mullakin soi tässä toista kertaa eilen ostettu Living The Dream CD, niin samat sanat noista rauhallisemmista biiseistä. Kaikki Lost Inside The Girl, Boulevard Of Broken Hearts, The One You Loved Is Gone (mikä soolo!) ja erityisesti The Great Pretender ovat just levyn parhaimmat.

Rokkereista sitten Serve You Right täydentää top vitosen, eikä sen perään alussa #3 paikalla oleva My Antidote ole myöskään hullumpi, tai Read Between The Linesin jotenkin chinesedemocracymainen(!) tunnelma.

Hyvältä vaikuttaa, erityisesti kun 12 biisin kokonaisuuus ei ole niin pöhöttynyt kuin aiemmat "SMKC:t" 15-17 kappaleen mittaisina.
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Re: Slash - Living The Dream

Post by Sabbathman »

Nightrain ja 21 muuta vetoa...

February 21, 2019 ... oming-dvd/

The February 20 concert by SLASH FEATURING MYLES KENNEDY AND THE CONSPIRATORS at Eventim Apollo in London, England was professionally filmed for future release.

After the show, Slash tweeted: "London, that was a fucking blast! I'm glad we captured the night on video! Thanks for a truly memorable evening! RnFnR!
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Sabbathman »


July 15, 2019 ... september/

SLASH FEATURING MYLES KENNEDY AND THE CONSPIRATORS will release "Living The Dream Tour" on DVD+2CD, Blu-ray+2 CD, 3LP black vinyl, limited-edition 3LP red vinyl, digital video and digital audio on September 20 via Eagle Vision.

"Living The Dream Tour" was shot on location on February 20, 2019 in front of a rabid crowd at London, England's Eventim Apollo. It features Slash and company roaring through a highly charged two-hour set of tracks from all four of Slash's solo albums. The set includes "Call Of The Wild", "Driving Rain", "By The Sword", "Back From Cali", "Starlight", "World On Fire" and "Anastasia". There's a searing live version of "Shadow Life", as well as "We Are All Gonna Die" and "Doctor Alibi", during which lead singer Myles Kennedy switches vocal duties with bassist Todd Kerns. Watch a "first look" of the "Living The Dream Tour" as the band performs "Anastasia" below.

DVD/Blu-ray bonus feature: "Live In London" mini-documentary, including interview with Slash and Myles, plus behind-the-scenes footage of the tour.
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Koskenkorvasieni »

No nyt onkin kaivettu naftaliinista oikein viimeisen päälle aliarvostettu helmi, Locomotive. Biisi tosiaan rullaa kuin veturi. Fiksu veto Axlilta vetää kertosäe keskirekisterissä ja säästää ääntään. Levyversiossahan se vetää samanaikaisesti kolme oktaavia, joten kuulostaa livenä ihan yhtä pätevältä. Lopun jamitus aivan timanttia. Kun vaan joku olis tukkinu tuon kuvaajan vieressä kiljuvan akan turvan...
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Jussi »

Axl omisti tuoreella Super Bowlin keikalla UYI2:en klassisen lainan Kobe Bryantin ja muiden uhrien muistolle:
UCR wrote:During last night's concert as part of the Super Bowl Music Fest, Guns N' Roses dedicated their version of Bob Dylan's "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" to Los Angeles Lakers legend Kobe Bryant and the eight other people -- including Bryant's daughter Gianna -- who were killed in a helicopter crash in Calabasas, Calif., last Sunday.

As Axl Rose says in the video below, he witnessed the smoke from the accident. He was coming home from rehearsal and saw something like "a fog bank, like a thundercloud over the trees," that was white He described it as "formidable," while others who were returning to his house in different cars said it was "ominous." "Apparently," he said, "it was much worse."

"We wanna dedicate this to Kobe, his daughter, everyone on the flight, their families and everyone affected by this terrible event," Rose concluded, and the band began the song.

According to Setlist, Guns N' Roses broke out the Appetite for Destruction deep cut "You're Crazy" for the first time since Slash and Duff McKagan re-joined the band, although video has yet to surface. The site notes that they last performed "You're Crazy" on April 12, 2014. The song had made its way into their Jan. 17, 1993 show at the Estadio River Plate in Buenos Aires, the last night of the Use Your Illusion tour, with Slash and McKagan leaving before the band played another concert.

The concert also featured an opening set by Snoop Doog, and the two acts shared backstage pictures on social media.

Read More: Guns N' Roses Dedicate 'Knockin' on Heaven's Door' to Kobe Bryant | ... m=referral
GN'R @ American Airlines Arena, Miami, FL, USA / 31012020 wrote:It's So Easy
Mr. Brownstone
Chinese Democracy
Welcome to the Jungle
Slither (Velvet Revolver cover)
Live and Let Die (Wings cover)
You're Crazy (first time since 4/12/2014)
Rocket Queen
You Could Be Mine
Shadow of Your Love
Attitude (Misfits cover; You Can’t Put Your Arms Around a Memory intro)
Civil War
Dead Horse
Double Talkin' Jive
Slash Guitar Solo
Sweet Child O' Mine
November Rain
(Show temporarily stopped after this song due to technical difficulties)
Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Bob Dylan cover)


The Seeker (The Who cover)
Paradise City
Siisti setti kun Estranged ja Civil War ovat mukana, mutta myös koska soittavat Shadow Of Your Lovea & ennenkaikkea Dead Horsea!

Toivottavasti DH säilyy mukana tulevaan kesään, että kuulisi sen ruotsissa 4. Gunnarikeikallani, fingers crossed.
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by heimo25 »

OLIPA hyvä, tätä en ole ennen nähnytkään....axeli vetää hieman räoin tapaistakin...oishan tuo olllu hieno nähdä livenä Golden Yearseina...mut hämeenlinnakin oli ok.
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Jussi »

Rapin nimi on It Tastes Good, Don't It: ... it-164544/
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES 2020

Post by Jussi »

Rammaattisen kuuloinen otsikko, mutta GN'R prevails! Ainakin eilen la 14.3.2020 Mehikossa 8) olisin miekin mennyt paikalle!
Guns N’ Roses Headlines One of World’s Last Music Festivals

Guns N’ Roses is headlining a popular two-day music festival scheduled for this weekend in Mexico City, even as worries mount over the threat of the new coronavirus.

The Vive Latino festival will carry on, its organizer said, because the Mexican government hasn’t said it shouldn’t. The gathering attracted an estimated 90,000 people a day last year.

Over the past week, the pandemic has forced a sweeping shutdown of live events across the US as authorities seek to slow down its spread. The National Basketball Association and National Hockey League suspended their seasons, the NCAA called off its men and women’s basketball tournaments and Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival was postponed until October.

In Mexico, a lack of official guidance is keeping some events like the Vive Latino festival on schedule.

“Our position is to carry on with the festival because we think it would be irresponsible not to, we’ve sold many tickets,” Jordi Puig, the event’s director, said in a radio interview on Thursday with W Radio. “We’re going with what authorities have told us.” Puig said they’ve added hand sanitizers throughout the venue, which will have concerts spread across six stages.

Guns N’ Roses is expected to play Saturday night. The band’s manager didn’t immediately reply to calls and emails. At least one band, She Wants Revenge, canceled its performance, according to local media.

“The party must go on,” Puig said. The company won’t offer reimbursement to those who wish to cancel due to coronavirus fears. “We don’t think it’s justified at this point,” he said.

The live music business has struggled to respond to the spread of the virus over the past couple of weeks in the U.S. Shows in arenas and clubs continued even as large-scale festivals postponed their events.

Unlike in sports leagues, there is no single organization that can shut the independent music events all at once. Thursday, the largest concert promoters and booking agents in the industry encouraged the postponement of shows until April, at the earliest. But the cessation wasn’t immediate, and concert promoters have been contacting individual artists and venues over the past few days to try and bring an end to large shows in the U.S., the world’s largest live music market.

Concerts have stopped across much of Europe, though many shows remained on the calendar in the UK as of Friday. wrote: It's So Easy
Mr. Brownstone
Chinese Democracy
Welcome to the Jungle
Slither (Velvet Revolver cover)
Double Talkin' Jive
Live and Let Die (Wings cover)
Play Video
You're Crazy (Slow version)
Rocket Queen
You Could Be Mine
So Fine (First time since June 16, 1993)
Civil War
Dead Horse
Slash Guitar Solo (With band introductions)
Sweet Child O' Mine
November Rain
Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Bob Dylan cover)


Don't Cry
Paradise City
The Equalizer (outro; Harry Gregson-Williams song)
Kuinka siistiä ottaa So Fine takaisin settiin <3 ja pitää Dead Horse siellä!
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Jussi »

Reilu vuosi sitten soitettu Locomotive, ensi kertaa sitten 1992 tuossa:
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Joined: Fri Dec 13, 2013 6:29 pm

Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by venalaine »

Postataan tähänkin ketjuun tämä "uusi" GN'R biisi. Voi kun olisivat julkaisseet jotain tämän reunion kokoonpanon aikaista sävellystä, eikä jotain Axl:n vanhaa jämäbiisiä.

Ja tässä video:
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Jussi »

^ jep ja siellä 'Chinese Democracy II':en jäljiltäkin on varmasti vaikuttavampia biisejä odottamassa :|

Jopa tämä alkuperäinen Silkworms 20 vuoden takaa on parempi, sillä tuon hokemisen sijaan siinä on vielä tallella "What can I do, with a bitch like you?" -pätkä, tuomassa vaihtelua kertsiin :D
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Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by venalaine »

En sitten tiedä, että onko tässä ollut bändin jäsenillä juuri mitään tekemistä tämän julkaisemisen kanssa. Todennäköisesti on vaan tultu jossain kohtaa management porrasta siihen tulokseen, että pitää saada joku julkaisu pihalle, kun keikat taas alkavat ja enemmän tai vähemmän samalla sapluunalla on menty sieltä vuodesta 2016 asti. Porukka on alkunut valittaa, kun mitään uutta ei tule pihalle. Toissakesäinen Shadow of Your Lovehan oli ihan samaan tarpeeseen tehty julkaisu. Olevinaan uusi julkaisematon biisi, joka nyt selvästi julkaistiin vaan, että saatiin kiertueen ympärille jotain elämää.

En usko, että itse bändin jäsenillä on juurikaan paloa julkaista yhtään mitään. Rahaahan näillä keikoilla ollaan tekemässä, ja kaikki tietävät, että esim. uusi levy ei voisi millään lunastaa siihen kohdistuvia odotuksia. Olen melkein valmis lyömään pääni pantiksi, että yhdessä vuoden 2016 jälkeen sävellettyä materiaalia (onko sellaista?) ei tulla koskaan julkaisemaan.
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Location: Oulu (Rollo)

Re: GUNS N' ROSES, etc.

Post by Jussi »

Jo aiemmin, syyskuussa julkaistu Hard Skool taas sai lyriikkavideonsa nyt loppuviikosta; hyvä muistutus samalla, miten pitää laittaa helmikuulle CD-sinkku tilaukseen niin saa myös tuon Absurdin fyysisenä julkaisuna samalla hyllyyn.

Tämän työnimenä oli ollut "Jackie Chan", koska kappale oli ollut joskus 25 vuotta sitten päätymässä ko. tähden leffasoundtrackille; se myös vuosi jossain vaiheessa ainakin klippinä tuolla nimellä.
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